Yesterday we were coming home from the Sunday dinner at Robert's farther's (by bus and then by subway, because we have no car right now), and on the bus I was approached by a girl who said that she knew my blog and came to say 'hi'! *^v^*
It was a total surprise, but a very nice one! Paula is also a crafty person, although she doesn't write about her crafts (yet, I hope! ^^), she has a cute dog and she lives in my residential district. Paula, if I seemed a bit nervous it's because I am in fact a very shy person, but I'm really glad that we met and maybe it is a chance to have a Stitch'n'Bitch meetings in Warsaw from time to time. Keep in touch with me, please! *^v^*

Thank you for your kind comments on my woven shawl, Paula asked me yesterday about my favourite craft (but it was already my subway stop and I had to leave the train and didn't answer properly), and I would say right now, that it's knitting and weaving interchangeably. I am really very fascinated by weaving at the moment (well, I managed to actually make a piece of proper even cloth, so anybody would be happy in this situation! ^^), so I keep occupying myself with weaving activities nowadays. ^^

I wrote on Saturday that I was warping the loom again (and before you ask - yes, I am a big fan of all the Star Trek series! ^^ Warping, warping all the way!...) - and it was partly true. I started to warp the thinner heddle I bought (40 threads per 4 inches) but it turned out that first I should prepare all the 320 warping threads (8 m long each, because I want to make a 4 m piece of cloth, 80 cms wide), count them and see if I have enough.

Remember, I work with the tangle, which means that I have different colours of wool in different lengths, from 10 cm to 30 m, all tangled up of course. So, if you ask about the photos - these are the warping threads, each one in a separate ball, waiting to be warped when I have enough of them. The fabric will be in blue and green shades.
Some replies to your comments:
Rho, I have just started to use the fish sauce in my cooking and I don't know yet if I find it useful or I'll just stick to good old salt ^^ I agree that the smell of it from the bottle is very strong... ^^
Lobstah, I cannot fit my loom anywhere either... My flat has 42 square metres and is packed with stuff!... And I'm planning to buy an inkle loom and a spinning wheel one day. (I know, I'm crazy, don't pay attention. *^w^*)

Okay, now I'm off to more warp measuring and cutting, and counting.
Have a nice Monday! *^v^*
It's great to have crafty people around-someone to talk to about our obsessions. Can I have your autograph? ;-) What pretty colors! I think if someone asked me what my favorite hobby is, I would have a horrible time answering. Knitting is definitely at the tip of my list.