And suddenly we have a new 2007 year. ^^
New Year's Resolutions
Everybody's making them and I do every year, although I don't stick to them too much... (maybe because I forget them quickly and that's my excuse... ^^).
So, this time I'm going to put them down so I could come back to them and check my progress (no particular order):
* set up the loom and start weaving (I already bought the wax polish and have no pending commissions to work on, so I have no excuse now! ^^)
* knit a shawl for each sabbat of the year - I want to celebrate all pagan holidays with matching shawls made by me
* as for holidays - make my own festive routines to make new happy memories, e.g.: expel the 'evil Christmas' spirit from my life
* learn how to spin
* be happy and positive!
* go out more (I can spend a whole day at home, doing different things and not even looking outside the window, I just have to socialize more!...)
* finally knit a whole sweater - it's time to step up a knitting ladder and approach something more adventurous and challenging
* learn how to do a funky full make up - it's funny but I've never been a girlie girl and didn't have an urge to experiment with make up as a teenager, so (apart from a mascara and powder) I really don't know how to do it properly...
* spend less, save more - prioritise my shopping wiser
* declutter and redecorate our flat
And maybe one or two more, but this is the base for my 2007.
And look, what I could finally do today:

I opened my Stitch'n'Bitch calendar! *^v^* I'm very anxious to see what's on all the pages but I'll supress my curiosity and flip only one page a day. ^^
Here is my horoscope from Crazy Aunt Purl, which sems to be very interesting and worth puting down here so I could come back to it throughout the year and confront in with myself.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 21)Last year ya'll about worked yourselves into a frenzy and you had such a busy (and stressful) year, it's hard to look back and see all good. But it wasn't all bad. You certainly accomplished a lot! The Scorpio 2007 To-Don't is a tough one, but it's doable and it will forever shape your days and weeks and years into something good: STOP THAT ONE THING YOU DO. You know what I mean. You have one key overriding personality trait that makes your life insane. Some of ya'll are jealous, some of you are angry, or grudge-holders, or mean arguers, or leavers-before-I-get-hurters. You know who you are. You have one needling issue that gets you in trouble over and over. STOP IT. And your 2007 To-Do is an extension of that mantra: Channel all your intensity (and that ONE THING YOU DO, dammit) into something healthy or fun or decadent or artsy or profitable. Scorpios have more passion than just about any folks I know. If you could spend less time trying to get out of situations you "somehow got in" and spend more time funneling your hot-headedness into your happy/fun/entertaining/work life, 2007 would be the perfect year.
They sound like great resolutions. You always seem happy and positive on your blog so hopefully that one won't be too hard!
ReplyDeleteSo you are a Scorpio as well!! hmmm I read that and thought what is my one thing...? Perhaps being a doormat to my family? Not an easy one to stop tho.
ReplyDeleteI like the new look to the blog. I really must do sonething about mine. I have only just started posting again after 2 months. What happened ...!!! The time just flew. Ah well it is a new year and time for a few new starts.
I blame it on the new knitters loom tho I have got quite hooked on weaving at the moment. At least it is chewing through my stash.
Have a great New Year and hope you can stick to at least a few of your resolutions.
PS I like the idea of knitting shawls tho, I could use that to knit for my holidays as well. We have been trying to make new Christmas memories as well as the old one are no longer there.
Cheers and happy knitting