When we opened the shop two years ago, the colours of the shop were blue and black. So we went to IKEA and bought four blue cups for the stuff (you can see two of them here) . I always drink tea, coffee very rarely, so everyday, in the morning, when I made myself a cup of tea, I looked into the most terrible looking hot drink in the world! It wasn't that bad when I poured in coffee with milk, but pure tea - yuk! I wonder why we didn't change the cups for six months!...
Okay, this is my Katia Mexico project I promised you yesterday:

It's based on a Dream Swatch's pattern by Wendy Bernard. She says: "So make one for yourself, and call it a scarf, (...)", so I'm making one for myself, only wider, and I call it the Rainbow Scarf. ^^
I thought the colour changes would be more irregular but it seems that I got almost perfect number of stitches for this yarn and I have stripes! ^^ Two balls should be enough to knit a 1 m scarf. When I'll be making another shawl in this pattern (and I'm sure I will! ^), I'm going to make it wider and try the following in the knit rows: 4 garter sts on either side of the shawl to stop it from curling.
BTW, I love steam-blocking! I blocked this part of the scarf to try this out and it worked! ^v^ So, I immediately blocked my Clapotis (which I washed and blocked on my bed with pins just after I finished it, but it was still rather curly...) and I love the result - finally I know how wide it really is. ^^ I'll definitely be steam-blocking my Ella shawl when it's finished.
Striped Bag for Bag Me KAL has been finished (no photo, because it looks the same as in the previous post, just with two finished handles ^^) and now it's waiting to be fulled, but first I want to knit another bag and felt them together at one go because I started to worry about my water and electricity bills...If I'm going to switch on the washing machine for the smallest item to felt they may go up high...
Next one I'm going to knit is the Run About Bag, modified of course, because I think the bigger the better so I'll be enlarging this bag. ^^
On Saturday we are going to a cousin's wedding and I found out that I have nothing to wear!... My wallet is empty and there's no way I could buy anything new. So, I decided to make a skirt for myself and the matching bag in my favourite style. (I'm lucky I have lots of this gorgeous thrift store printed cotton! ^^)
Here is the result (forgive my blurry old mirror):

It seems that I misjudged my measurements a bit (I lost weight!... ^v^) and I have to make some adjustments at the hips, but two small pleats should do the job. Bag will follow tomorrow.
I have a pair of violet shoes and I'm going to wear white or black blouse, and it seems I'm ready for Saturday! ^^

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